Friday, January 30, 2009

Ugh! I got canned!

Ugh! I just got canned.

Fortunately I was prepared for "the conversation" with the CEO this afternoon. The VP who hired me in May 2008 gave me the heads up that downsizing was eminent as he voluntarily laid himself off in December 2008. His parting words were "the fuse is on finding another job...and fast!"

This is only the second time I've been laid off in my 12 year career as a marketing professional in the Bay Area. According to friends, I've been pretty lucky! However, it still sucks to go into your scheduled "Q4 performance review" meeting to find the HR Director and your manager sitting nervously in the conference room...axe in hand...ready to share your recent fate.

Sigh. This is all part of life in the Silicon Valley. It's time's like these that I'm very thankful that my mom and dad taught me great savings habits. I didn't want to hear "put some of grandma's gift into the bank" each Christmas growing up...but now I understand the wisdom.

OK...I gotta run. I have until 5:00pm to box my stuff, hand over my laptop and say good bye.