Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Don't job search. Tell a company what value you can bring their business

I had coffee this morning with a friend and colleague who is now running a business development team for a company that develops social web applications. He has always impressed me with his in-depth knowledge of new Internet and e-commerce trends and his connections to VC funded start-ups. He is someone that I'm very fortunate to have the opportunity to connect with on my next career move

Over a latte he said, "Don't go out looking for a job at a company. Everyone is doing that. Find a company and tell them what value you can bring to their business.That's how you get hired."

I thought,"Well, duh. EVERYONE IS looking for a job..." but then his advice sunk in. Hiring managers are getting a ton of resume these days...for just one job. The goal is to be the candidate that differentiates himself (herself) from being a job candidate to being a thought leader that will help propel a company further.

"Know an industry cold...know the players. Formulate an opinion and point of view for what the company (you are interviewing with)should do next. When you leave the interview they will say 'wow, that guy knows his stuff...we gotta get him in here..."

Great advice.

I recommend the following sites to help know an industry cold:

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